What is Montessori?

It is a philosophy/method created by Maria Montessori, which has been practiced for over 100 years. The children have the freedom to move throughout the prepared environment. They work at their own pace, independently and one on one with a teacher during lessons.

Montessori Materials

Designed by Maria Montessori and her associates. The “works” are carefully sequenced on the shelves grading from easiest to hardest, left to right order. Each material focuses on one concept and when mastered, the student progresses to the next material. This enables the students to learn with their hands through their senses. Many of the materials are self-correcting and when the students actively work with them, it becomes a process of discovery.

Areas of the classroom: Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language, Geography, Science, Art


Freedom to Choose

Maria Montessori discovered when a child is given the freedom, they are more satisfied with their choices. Students in our classroom have the freedom to make their own work choices. This leads to independence and self-reliance. It is the lead teacher’s responsibility to ensure the students are connecting to all the areas of the curriculum.


Multi-Age Classroom

Students are grouped 3-6 yrs of age. The 3 yr grouping offers students the opportunity to interact with peers both older and younger. Older children are able to validate their skills by guiding a peer and a 3 yr old aspires to the abilities of the nurturing older student. This classroom arrangement enables students to develop self-confidence, independence and leadership. Classroom communities are built upon respect.

How does it differ from traditional school?

In most schools, the children are taught educational concepts in a group by a teacher.